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SMS marketing - lead generation and software tools for Real Estate and eCommerce

As a real estate agent, you're always looking for new and innovative ways to market your properties. And as an e-commerce business owner, you're looking for creative ways to sell your products and digital products. If you're not currently using SMS marketing software or other tools to help you with your marketing or sales efforts, you miss out on many potential leads and customers. This blog post will discuss some of the benefits of SMS marketing and other tools for Real Estate and ecommerce businesses. We'll also provide some tips on getting started using these tools. So if you're ready to start innovating your marketing and sales strategies, keep reading!



1. SMS Marketing Software 


a. What is it, and what are its benefits for real estate professionals or e-commerce store owners?

SMS marketing is a method of directly communicating with customers via text messages. It's a powerful tool that can be used for various purposes, such as announcing sales and discounts, notifying customers about new products or services, or simply keeping in touch. This blog post will discuss SMS marketing, the benefits it offers businesses and some tips on getting started. 


b. How does it work?

You can use it using different software on the market Twilio is one of the most prominent players with API to connect this software with your contact base. Our Agency uses complex software integrated with Twilio and provides other advantageous possibilities of marketing automation. 

We are offering you the possibility of sending automatically and semi-automatically SMS to your clients and prospects. But we are offering you something of the bigger value; we are offering you the tool for gathering those SMS numbers via social media: Instagram and Facebook. SMS strategy in our services is combined with email marketing and direct messages via Instagram DM and Messenger.

This Omnichannel approach uses multiple angles of reaching prospects and clients. 


c. Examples of using SMS marketing successfully.

Did you know that almost half of all American adults use text messaging? That's a lot of people! And many of those people are your potential customers. If you're not using SMS marketing software to reach them, you're missing out on a huge opportunity. 


SMS marketing is an incredibly effective way to connect with your customers. It's personal, direct, and intimate - and it's more likely to be read than an email. Plus, it's very affordable compared to other forms of advertising. 


When it comes to SMS and email marketing, which is the better choice for your business? While both have pros and cons, statistically speaking, SMS marketing is more efficient and produces a higher open rate. SMS marketing makes about a 90% open rate because it's more personal, and not many marketers are using this form of communication. Email Marketing has approximately 16-30% of open rate and is mainly determined by how catchy the subject line is and whether the recipient recognizes you as a welcomed sender. Let's take a look at some numbers to back this up.


With SMS Marketing, you can constantly be in contact with your customers. For example, if a realtor has an Instagram account and someone fills out their interest form on the website or via Facebook, they will receive instant SMS notifications about it! You won't miss any hot leads this way either because of how quick these messages come through. In e-commerce, when using presale, offer texts to build up anticipation before inventory goes live.


You can build a relationship with your customers and prospects by using SMS marketing. The best way to do this is through VIP messages, which have been shown in numerous studies as very effective for generating high levels of engagement from recipients.

You should also make sure not to send too many promotions via texts since these might get blocked if they're considered spammy.


Are you looking for a more efficient way to reach your customers? SMS marketing may be the answer for you. And with SMS, there's no need to worry about spam filters or deliverability rates. So why not give SMS a try? You may be surprised at how well it works!




2. Other lead generation tools Real Estate Professionals and eCommerce Stores can use to grow their business. 


a. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. 

It's no secret that social media is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes to grow their reach and boost their bottom line. So whether you're just starting or looking for ways to optimize your social media efforts, read on for some valuable insights! We will look at how two very different types of businesses - real estate agents and e-commerce businesses - can benefit from using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. We'll also explore some tips on how to get the most out of these platforms for your business.


Facebook is a great way to generate leads for your real estate business or e-commerce store. However, it's not enough to set up a page and start posting. If you want to get the most out of Facebook, you need to use it effectively. 


When it comes to using Facebook, one of the most important things you can often post and engage with others, you should also join groups that interest you, so your followers know what kind of content they'll get from their favorite real estate specialist or shore up any gaps in knowledge by reading articles posted on these sites!


Post at least once per day, create engaging content based on popular trends.



Instagram is one of the most popular social media networks, and it's perfect for branding and promoting your business. If you're not using Instagram to market your business, you're missing out on a huge opportunity. We'll show you how to use Instagram effectively to attract new clients in this post.


As Agency, we help set up automation campaigns that gather emails addresses and SMS numbers from people (prospects) - services that could pique someone's curiosity - automation will ensure all these messages get delivered straight into recipients' inboxes without hassle.


If you want to grow faster and have better reach, try Reels video now! You can also engage an audience by promoting new content in stories with links inside them - this feature just recently came out, so be sure not to miss out on all its benefits.


You can use Instagram for marketing in so many ways, including IG lives, also with guests and IG videos (IGTV), or even just posting about what's going on in your niche each day, week!


As someone who works with real estate agents, I know how important it is to have a solid personal brand and make sure we share our message across different platforms because people won't always follow one source exclusively.


Are you looking for ways to improve your personal brand and business? LinkedIn may be the answer. LinkedIn is a social media platform that can help you connect with potential clients, increase brand awareness, and find new leads. Create your own “sales page” style profile instead of just listing qualifications; consider what kind of image would project best by using their photo banner feature- do not forget about tags! This will allow others to see how different they are from other companies competing within this sector or industry space.


Using the LinkedIn platform, users can connect with potential clients and increase their awareness of what they have going on. 


There's no better way than posting an article in a niche or giving some free advice every week so people will start reading everything from this site - not just because it might be exciting but also because we're always trying our best to provide quality content.




b. Email marketing software such as MailChimp, ConvertKit.


Anyone who owns an online store knows that email marketing is one of the most effective ways to boost sales and keep customers up-to-date on new products. But what if you're not sure which email marketing software to use? So whether you're just getting started with email marketing or looking for a change, read on for some helpful tips! We'll compare two popular email marketing platforms: MailChimp and ConvertKit We'll discuss the pros and cons of each platform and help you decide which one is right for your business.


The right email marketing software will allow you to send targeted, relevant emails quickly, build simple landing pages, opt-in pages, etc. For example, MailChimp has a free plan that allows 2000 contacts in base, and ConvertKit offers 1000 contacts for their free plan; both provide features like autoresponders which are excellent.


There are many email marketing software available, but I think MailChimp is one of the best for e-commerce business owners. It has plenty of features and is very easy to use; however, it may take some time to learn all its ins and outs to get everything set up how you want them configured. For those who do not have much patience or knowledge, then ConvertKit would probably better suit. ConvertKit is excellent for professionals, solopreneurs, influencers. It is super simple to configure but still has everything you need to build a successful business.

Think about how many emails you send out in a day. Think about how many of those could be potential customers if you had the right email marketing software. Email marketing software can help you grow your sales by automatically sending out targeted messages to people who have shown an interest in what you're selling. Whether you're using MailChimp, ConvertKit, or another platform, make sure to take advantage of all it offers. You might be surprised at how much business you can generate by sending out a few well-crafted emails per week!



Conclusions: We hope this blog post has given you some food for thought and helped you decide if SMS marketing, social media lead generation is right for your business. If it sounds like a good fit, we'd love to help! Book a free 20min consultation call with our team of digital experts today to see how we can make the perfect plan together that suits all your needs.

Automations Digital

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